Regarding the distribution of textbooks, practice books and routines for the year 2024-25 from block level to school level.

Maintenance of textbook, practice book and routines for the academic year 2024-25 has been indicated in the already referred circular. As textbooks are to be made available to government and aided school students, all the textbooks, practice books and routines already supplied to the block level should be transported to the respective schools from 13.05.2024 as per the demand and distributed as per rules. Further, to distribute the textbooks to the schools which have paid 10% advance payment of 10% as per the demand of the respective schools, after paying 100%, to distribute 100% of the textbooks, to the schools implemented by Social Welfare Department and other minority departments, full quantity of textbooks as per demand and without paying 10% advance payment. If the existing schools have requested to pay 100% of the textbooks according to the demand, they have been instructed to distribute the textbooks to such private schools on the basis of priority and it is hereby instructed to take action to ensure that all such payments are done through the payment gateway. It has also suggested that after distributing the textbooks to the schools, the students should register in the SATS software on the same day.

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